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Help create housing security for LGBTQIA2S+ youth in West Michigan

Donations will be made in full to OutFront Kalamazoo in Kalamazoo, Michigan to support Legacy House operations and program growth.

Of the many programs offered by OutFront Kalamazoo, Legacy House is a six-bed transitional housing facility that serves queer-identifying youth between the ages of sixteen and twenty-four who are experiencing houselessness. Legacy House is a branch of the OutProud Safe Program at OutFront Kalamazoo that focuses on combating queer houselessness in Kalamazoo County. Legacy House operations and programming strive to be evidence-based, trauma-informed, and equity-focused.

Why give?

  • ONE in FIVE

    One in Five LGBTQIA2S+ individuals experience housing insecurity at some point during their life. Many experience housing insecurities in their youth.


    Queer-identifying individuals face systematic housing challenges that are disproportionate to cisgender, heterosexual individuals.


    Queer housing instability, ongoing discrimination regardless of protective laws, political beliefs, Christian-centric norms, and a lack of inclusive spaces within culture further create inequity for queer individuals.


    Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) and Transgender individuals face housing insecurity at a higher rate than cisgender, sexual minorities.

  • Reliance on community

    Government funding for housing security faces uncertainty.


    Housing security offers someone the ability to feel HUMAN. People who face housing insecurity or are currently unhoused are often looked at as less than, if noticed at all.